jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013

Visita Cultural a Valencia i Mascletà

Valencia, mascletà i Falles 2013

Falla Mercat Central

Serranos Towers
Lauren and Clarke

The imposing Torres de Serranos are one of the landmarks of Valencia. They are considered to be the largest Gothic city gateway in all of Europe, and were constructed at the end of the 14th century by Pere Balaguer as part of the city's fortification.

They provisionaly housed prison cells and served as a triumphal arch on many festive occasions.

Lauren, Pia and Dana
Palace of the Generalitat

Basilica Square

Loreto, Maija, Hajar,Lauma and Linda B.
 Mercat Central 

Clarke and the European eel

One of the most outstanding Modernist buildings in Valencia. It was designed in 1914 by Francisco Guardia and Alejandro Soler and was inaugurated in 1928. With a surface area of over 8000 square meters, it still functions as a market, and is one of Europe’s largest fresh food outlets. 

Doctor Sweets Shop, Linda and Dana

Catedral de Valencia (Cathedral)

The Cathedral of Valencia, Palace Gate (Romanesque)


El Miguelete
Cathedral, Irons Gate (Baroque)
Bell tower "El Miguelete" is a gothic style construction made in the fourteen century and finished in the fifteen. Authors were Cathedral’s master Andrés Juliá and the architect Pere Balaguer, who also built Serranos Towers.
Constructed on an octagonal base, its perimeter is same to its height, more than fifty meters. Its name, "El Miguelete", comes from the name of its biggest bell "Miguel", made in 1532 and with more than ten tons of weight

La Plaza de la Reina (Queen's Square)

La Plaza Redonda (Round Square Market)

A round square, full of shops and totally encircled by the old buildings of Carmen

Plaza de la Virgen (Basilica Square)
 The Plaza de la Virgen sits on the site that once was the forum of Roman Valencia

Falla Plaça de l'Ajuntament

Ana, Paula N. and Hajar

The Bullring is a large, impressive structure in the style of a Roman Coliseum but employing Doric ornament (the traditional Ancient Greek style). The Train Station, built with Neo-Gothic influence in the structure, hosts an entire caleidoscope of typically Valencian mosaics and ceramics on the themes of Valencia countryside.

Bullring and Train Station

The Bullring is a large, impressive structure in the style of a Roman Coliseum but employing Doric ornament (the traditional Ancient Greek style).
Exhibition at the Train Station
The Train Station, built with Neo-Gothic influence in the structure, hosts an entire caleidoscope of typically Valencian mosaics and ceramics on the themes of Valencia countryside.

Gulliver Park

Ana, Jessica, Hajar, Pavel and Clarke.

Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències

The City of Arts and Sciences
The City of Arts and Sciences is an ensemble of five areas in the dry river bed of the now diverted River Turia in Valencia. Designed by Valencian architect Santiago Calatrava and started in July 1996, it is an impressive example of modern architecture. 

The City of Arts and Sciences is an ensemble of five areas in the dry river bed of the now diverted River Turia in Valencia. Designed by Valencian architect Santiago Calatrava and started in July 1996, it is an impressive example of modern architecture. 

horchata  (in Spanish) or orxata  (in Valencian)

Horchata refers to a range of drinks often made from nuts, seeds or rice, which are ground and mixed with water and a little sugar to make a “milky” beverage. This version is one that is common in Spain, where it is often made from tiger nuts, and which is lightly flavoured with a touch of spices and citrus peel.

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