domingo, 20 de enero de 2013

MAC Letònia: Pujada als molins

Excursió als molins de la Plana
Trip to the windmills.

Here are the photos from the trip. =D    

Ací teniu les fotos de l'excursió.

In the Móntgo National Park 11 windmills were built form the XIV to the XIII centuryThey were used to grind wheat to make cereal and bread. They were also used in wars to see if any boats were coming to attack.

Kate, Loreto, Linda L., Linda B., Jessica

We had an amazing time, lots of laughs and some singing on the way down. It was a lovely, but long walk and it was a good job it was sunny and clear, that way we were able to see Ibiza.

 Jessica Cobb

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